
The Center for Advancing Responsible Computing at Georgia Tech aims to advance and support the development of computing woven into the fabric of our everyday lives, designed to be trustworthy, sustainable, and socially responsible– aware of the needs, constraints, and crises of the modern world. 


To achieve its vision, the Center will apply fundamental computing advances towards advancing responsible (trustworthy, sustainable, usable, and resource-efficient) ubiquitous computing solutions to real-world problems across healthcare, environmental sustainability, and robotics. The center will facilitate large, multi-disciplinary (outside of CoC), and inter-disciplinary (cross-cutting across CoC) teams to pursue significant directed funding (i.e., ARPA-H, DARPA/DoD, DoE/ARPA-E, and NSF Expeditions) towards impactful built systems which integrate computing, that serve ubiquitous applications. The Center will also engage with students and researchers across the College to equip and train them to participate in, lead, and develop proposals and projects within large teams for use-directed computing research. At the heart of our center’s mission lies a steadfast commitment to shaping the future of computing in a way that is inclusive, diverse, and deeply conscious of our broader societal responsibilities.

The Center aims to apply fundamental computing advances to promote responsible (trustworthy, sustainable, usable, and resource-efficient) ubiquitous computing solutions. These solutions will address real-world problems across healthcare, environmental sustainability, and robotics. The Center will support large, interdisciplinary teams outside of the College of Computing (CoC) and intradisciplinary teams within the CoC, with significant directed funding (e.g., ARPA-H, DARPA/DoD, DoE/ARPA-E, and NSF Expeditions) to build impactful systems that integrate computing for ubiquitous applications. It will also engage students and researchers across the college to equip and train them to participate in, lead, and develop projects within large teams for use-directed computing research. At the core of the Center’s mission is a commitment to shaping the future of computing in a way that is inclusive, diverse, and deeply attuned to our broader societal responsibilities.