
Josiah Hester

Ka MoaMoa Lab

Associate Professor @
School of Interactive Computing
School of Computer Science

Yingyan (Celine) Lin

Efficient and Intelligent Computing Lab

Associate Professor @
School of Computer Science

Core Faculty

Omer Inan

Inan Research Lab

Professor @
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Adjunct Professor @
Biomedical Engineering

Alexander T Adams

Uncommon Sense Labs

Assistant Professor @
School of Interactive Computing

Affiliate Faculty

Ashutosh Dhekne

Assistant Professor @
School of Computer Science

Jennifer Kim

Assistant Professor @
School of Interactive Computing

Rosa Arriaga

Associate Professor @
School of Interactive Computing

Post-Docs and Research Scientists

Saad Ahmed

Postdoctoral Scholar @ Ka MoaMoa Lab

Alex Cabral

Postdoctoral Scholar @ Ka MoaMoa Lab

Tingyu Cheng

Postdoctoral Scholar @ Ka MoaMoa Lab

Celeste Mason

Research Scientist @ Ka MoaMoa Lab

Yaman Sangar

Postdoctoral Scholar @ Ka MoaMoa Lab